Security Options for Residential Properties

Residents of Cherry Hill want to keep their homes safe from criminal invasion, while still maintaining easy access for themselves and their families. Basic locks and keys may not be providing enough security for you home. When looking to upgrade your home security, it’s best to consider all of the options available to you to determine what forms of home security would suit your individual needs best.

Basic Security Options

First, let’s discuss the types of door security available to your as a home or residential property owner. These range from different types of basic lock hardware to biometric entry systems that use your physical data as a key to operate the lock. The type of security that you choose for your residence will depend on many factors, including your budget, the convenience level of the lock type, and personal preference. A locksmith can assist you in evaluating the different types of locks available for your property so you can make an informed decision on how to ensure its security.

High-Security Locks

High-security locks are locks that are designed in a way to resist criminal attempts at defeating them. This type of lock replaces your existing door knob lock. High-security locks have features that make it much more difficult to pick or “bump” the locking mechanism and gain access to the building. They are more expensive than standard knob locks, but are very effective at keeping criminals out.


Deadbolts come in three varieties: single cylinder, double cylinder, or those most commonly found on residential front doors, thumb-turn deadbolts. Single cylinder deadbolts can only be opened from the outside using a key. Double cylinder deadbolts have both interior and exterior keyholes, so a key must be used on either side. Thumb-turn deadbolts have a key on one side and a thumb-turn latch on the other. Double-cylinder deadbolts are discouraged from being used in the home due to making it harder to exit the building in case of fire or other emergency.

Keypad Entry Systems

Keypad entry systems are a form of electronic lock. To operate them, you have to put in the correct pin number or code. Keypad entry systems are very tamper-resistant, secure, and practical for daily life. Keyless entry is a convenient way to lock up your home that is easier to use than juggling physical locks and keys. With a keypad entry system, there’s no more worry about misplacing your keys or having them stolen. Keypad entry allows you to give temporary codes to people on a short-term basis, such as contract workers. Keypad entry systems are currently the most popular form of keyless entry system for the home.

Smart Locks

Smart locks are a new innovation that has come onto the market. To operate a smart lock, you use an app on your phone to connect to the lock and provide it with the appropriate passcode for entry. There are even smart deadbolts available. The biggest downfall of smart locks is that they can be hacked, but companies are fixing these security holes all the time and smart locks provide many homeowners ample protection and peace of mind.

Biometric Entry Systems

One of the most effective types of door security, biometric entry systems have recently seen an explosion of popularity with commercial property owners. Slowly, biometric entry is being adopted by home and property owners who want to take their security to the next level to protect their belongings and their families. Biometric entry is more expensive than the other options on this list, but depending on your home security goals, it may well be worth it to protect the people and things that you love from theft or other criminal activity.

Biometric entry uses physical data, such as a scan of your fingerprint, as a “key” that allows access to the lock. It’s a type of access control system. Because the lock scans your physical data, the door won’t open without you or another authorized person being physically present. While there are ways to bypass these systems, it is extremely difficult and very rare for a criminal to attempt this.

Advanced Security Options

If you have a lot of valuable items or have had break-ins in your neighborhood or your own home in the past, it may be worth it to consider additional security measures to complement a solid lock system. Some of these advanced security devices are listed below. New innovations are coming onto the market all the time, especially in this age of a competitive security market.

Alarm Systems

Some locksmith companies offer alarm services that coordinate with your door and window locks so that if they are opened, the alarm will sound. Depending on the company, they may offer off-site monitoring of alarm systems to alert the police to come to your location if the alarm goes on for long enough without being turned off.

CCTV Cameras

CCTV cameras, once exclusively for businesses but now widely used on residential properties, allow you to track the comings and goings on your property and keep a record of any questionable activity. Security cameras offer a strong deterrent for would-be criminals, most of whom prefer to operate under anonymity. You can choose to install a security camera by your front door only, or a system of cameras at every entrance. Monitoring is usually done off-site, but can also be done in the residence.

This is by no means a comprehensive list of all the lock and security systems available to homeowners, but it should give you a good idea of what is available on the market. The particular types of home security you choose will depend on your budget, preferences, and security goals.